Friday, June 18, 2004


Yes, that was me, calling it a term.

I guess that above sentence was necessary to explain the first one.

I guess the above sentence was not really necessary.

I guess I'm filling space by this point.

I guess I could continue this entire entry in this format.

I guess that wouldn't offend too many people.

I guess I should tell you all what's new.

I guess you all are off to have exciting holidays. I guess I'll be working, chilling and most importantly, seeing Cath. I guess that's the best thing in my world.

I guess you all know she's not going to be here next year. I guess thats crap. I guess some of you care. I guess those that don't can suck my balls.

I guess it been a fun year. I guess we're finalists now. I guess I'm excited. I guess I'm gonna have to make some decisions soon. I guess that's scary.

"I guess" looks weird and ugly having typed it so many times.

I guess that's it really.

I guess, of course, but I don't really know.


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