Monday, July 26, 2004

Quick update to tell the world that I watched Spiderman 2 last night. 

Things I liked: 

Seemed a lot more like a comic book in a film.  The surgery scene came off a lot more like a horror scene, with close-ups of terrified screaming doctors and panic and mayhem.  I thought the first one, in retrospect, lacked a lot of that.
Special effects were dazzling; the fight on top of the train was tremendous.
Peter Parker is a ton more sympathetic than in the previous film.  I may have even started to care about him.  His charachter is pretty complicated and I totally dig that.
Kirsten Dunst.

Things I didn't like:

Didn't care for the ending.  I'm pretty sure Spiderman never gets the girl in the comic books, though I could be wrong.  Go on, someone tell me I'm wrong.  I thought at the very least they could have dragged that part out for another film or two.  It should have finished after Harry finds the Green Goblins room.

All in all, theres a lot more to like than to dislike.  Good film.

We also saw a trailer for a film called Open Water.  It looks either really bad or utterly amazing.  I hope for the latter.

Speak soon,


EDIT:  How did I totally forget the mention J. Jonah Jameson?  That charachter is brilliant and JK Simmons plays it fantastically and is the one truly comic part of the film.  Ahahaha.  The bit where he names Doctor Octopus is, like, well funny.

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