Monday, August 30, 2004


I am the sun, I am the air, I am human and I... stop it, stop it. Stupid Charmed ones with their addictive theme song and their notable breasts. It's like low quality porn meets magic, which is sure to send every pasty-skinned D&D playing geek and nerd from here to Nebraska off to his room to battle with his warlock. Porn is probably more believable though.

(Porn Director: Right, well Tina here will be having sex with Josh, who is the spirit of a person who died in saving someone else. In the background, Jodie will be getting done in by Roger, who is the source of all evil, and a lawyer.

Assistant Director: Really?

Director: Nah. Go get the bushy fake moustaches and the dubious repair equipment)

I, of course, only watch it for the storylines. Charmed, that is. Porn I watch for the prospect of a double penetration shot.

We're watching From Hell tonight. This is a surprise because it's gory and scary and Cath asked to watch it. She wouldn't go watch the Village for approximately the same reasons. Je ne understande pas.

Speak soon,


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