Thursday, November 25, 2004


I am currently unable to move from a cold place (such as outside) to a warm place (such as inside) without the transition being remarkably uncomfortable. My skin prickles up like it is no longer with its current role, that is, being wrapped around my body, and would like to move on to new and exciting roles as possibly a picnic blanket. I then go into some demented dance routine where I try to discover the exact parabola my spine has to map out in order to stop my skin from leaving. It happens at unfortunate times. It turns out that there is no room to do this in the small toilet in Wolfson building. It must have sounded like someone was trying to bath a cat from the outside, what with the banging and cursing that I remember distinctly.

I have a range of options. Firstly, I could implement a system where the temperature gradually increases as I go up the stairs. This would involve some highly technical fiddling with the dials on the radiators here, and seeing as they have two settings: "Gas Mark 4" and "Are you Kidding me?", doesn't leave a huge amount of room for incremetation. The second is to never leave my room again. On a similar train of thought, I could never return indoors again, but this presents certain hygiene problems, not to mention never being able to update this thing again.

I am certain that pretty soon, my skin will just fall off, and I will be left standing there, forced to confront my true, inner identity.

I feel like a caterpiller.

You know, because of my thirteen sets of limbs.


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