Wednesday, April 20, 2005


It would seem like the new term is upon us, and it would also seem like this is some form of a last term for me. Apart from, of course, I'll be back next year with all new features and a Masters course and some shinier shoes. And I won't be on the fucking undergraduate mailing list and have to listen to the utter drivel that is Dickpuppet, our JCR Entz rep.

For example, todays email. "Do you wanna get wasted this weekend?", it starts. Oh yes! Yes please! Sign me up for that getting wasted! Is there a queue? Of course there is. That's what happens when you try act just like everyone else.

And then: "Bad news: Collections. You're gonna get a third. Good news: Collections are not finals. Better news: Bop this Saturday night at Green bar."

In short, you're dumb, but don't worry, because you can drink instead. That'll show them you're not dumb. Instead, how about "Bad news: I'm still Entz rep for one more term. Good news: I will eventually have to leave the job. Better news: This may be sooner than expected, depending in part on the relative position of the bullet, the bullet chamber it occupies and the firing mechanism, after one spin." Now that's entertainment.

Speak soon,


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