Monday, April 11, 2005


Oh this is good.

In the 1980s and early 1990s, there was a wrestler called the Ultimate Warrior. The only reason he gained any fame is because he had an incredible physique, and because the WWF at the time was all about those who looked the part, and very little about those who could actually, you know, wrestle. He was given the WWF Title for that reason, and though it was hoped he would replace Hogan as the big draw, it never quite worked out that way.

Often, the most interesting thing about old wrestlers is what happens to them afterwards. Many can't stop, clinging to their glory days for as long as possible until their bodies give out, the years of drug abuse catch up or they become Govenor. All true. The Warrior is, and I mean this in the most exact meaning of the word, a nut. He had his name legally changed to the Warrior, won the legal rights to the persona of Titan Sports after a five year struggle and built up a world where he lives the character he played through public speakings and his website,

And he is an extreme conservative activist. Recently he claimed that "queering don't make the world work" (read more here and, upon being asked a question by a student from the Middle East, advised him to "get a towel". As I say, a nut. But as fun as laughing incredulously at this, and I quote Bill Hicks here, "humongolous mongoloid" is, reading this article on Something Awful is just so much better. It's an exchange of letters between SA's Rich Kyanka and the Warrior's Director of Communications over the Awful Link of the Day that featured the Warrior's website. It starts off as faintly riduculous with it's claims of libel and intellectual property theft, but by the end, it is so surreal it is untrue. I can't recommend reading it enough.

Speak soon,


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