Tuesday, April 18, 2006

This is genius, and not a joke. Power metal lords Hammerfall. The Swedish woman's Olympic curling team. One five minute music video. How metal is that?

The best is the sweeping in time to the drum beat. It's made a believer of me.
We are definitive.

That is all.


Monday, April 17, 2006


Now here. Fuck them. Fuck anyone who thinks that the answer to political apathy is fascism, and if that's Britons today, then fuck Britain. We've stepped over that line on mindlessness that people are willing to say they would vote for racists and bigots as a protest? Against what? What purpose is that protest going to serve? And this all comes after a public trial that allowed everyone to see that they weren't just a political party who wanted to protect "The British Way of Life" (whatever the fuck that is), but a hate group, who approved of hate crimes. But instead of this making them seem ridiculous, possibly 25% of voters are listening and thinking about them seriously. Seriously.

And people are worried about racial tension and the effect of a multi-cultural Britain that seem "quite alien". Why is it only white people who worry about racial tensions? Maybe if they worried about it less, they'd be less tense. People worry about racial tension. Racial tensions exist because people worry about them. And round and round we go. As far as I'm concerned, anything we can do to dilute everything we consider British (which seems to encompass everything from celebrating the mediocre and anti-intellectualism to rampant alcoholism to some deranged idea that even with all of this the rest of the world still owes us a favour), the better.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

There have been several great things of late. Number one, the Levellers. Number two, In Flames and Sepultura (and Dagoba. French metal. Who would have thought it). Two nights, two great gigs.

Number three, Ice Age 2. Me and Cath took our three year old nephew with us, and it was not a disaster of crying and wetness. I am a cool uncle, even though I am not technically an uncle. I guess that just makes me a cool uncle.

Number four, Wrestlemania on Sunday. I love Wrestlemania, mainly because I sit and watch it with my friends, and we laugh at the stupidity of WWE, and then occasionally enjoy some good wrestling, or some awesome spot. This year, they went with thumbtacks into skin and burning table bumps, and beating up 60 year old owners and dressing up like Conan. Pretty normal, really.