Friday, June 13, 2008

Couple of short thoughts. I'd say in that they are in no particular order, exept that seems unlikely for a list of items. At the very least, they are in order of 'position in list'. Onwards:

I just submitted a paper to the Journal of Public Economics. This would be my first actual attempt to get something published. I expect at best a number of revisions, and most likely a rejection, but both will be helpful and give me some useful feedback.

There is a certain programme on television. It is Huge, and I am led to believe it is Fraternal. I don't want to hear anything about it. I don't want to know the names of anybody in the show, or which manufactured controversy they've decided will interest people this year. Radio and TV will doubtlessly attempt to thwart me by dropping reports in to news bulletins, as if things that happen on TV shows are actually news. This morning, I managed to cover my ears with my hands in time. Next time, I may be holding vases. I'm either going to have to give up the mainstream media, or give up my job as human dais.

I hate it when I agree with Tories.

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