Wednesday, June 11, 2008

From BBCs 'Have Your Say':

Added: Saturday, 26 January, 2008, 07:35 GMT 07:35 UK

Terrorists don't bother me.What does bother me is the likes of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown who have presided in systematically running Britain down to the level of a third world country. Our reputation is in tatters, our economy is at a low all time level, we are no longer a key player in world economics, our country has been allowed to stagnate and droves of migrants allowed in to enjoy what we have provided for our kind causing stress to the NHS.The worst government Britain has ever had.

Sir Herbert Scroggins, Edgeley, Stockport, United Kingdom


I know, I know, pointing out one ridiculous bigot on a Have Your Say page is redundant. Still entertaining, though.

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