Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Obama Day!

Today at work, because it is my birthday on Thursday, I was given the choice of food treats to be supplied to the entire team. Obviously, I chose Krispy Kreme donuts, because I am not an idiot.

I have had one. There is another sat on my desk as we speak - the time is 10.26am. I will keep you updated about its status.

First update, 11.13am:
The donut is still sat on my desk. It is taunting me with its eyes. Its eyes-ing. Its icing.

Second update, 11.33am:
Donut untouched. It is no longer clear why I am doing this. It is no longer clear that I am spelling 'donut' correctly.

Third update, 11.40am:
I have had a bite of Donut. I have turned it around so it appears in tact to anyone walking by my desk to check. That sort of thing happens here.

Forth update, 11.50am:
I have had a bite of Donut. I have turned it around so it appears in tact to anyone walking by my desk to check.

Fifth update, 11.51am:
I have discovered that I have already take a bite from the other side (a quick check of my records reveals this happened at 11.40am), meaning it is now not possible to disguise the bite. I have a lump in my throat.

Sixth update, 11.54am:
Lump turns out to be some Donut, which I ate inadvertently whilst panicking about the first two bites, some minutes ago.

Seventh update, 11.57am:
One and a half hours after it was placed on my desk, I eat the remainder of Donut, and wash it down with a cup of my shame.

No, wait, a cup of tea.

Eighth update, 12.05pm:
I miss Donut.


Joanna Ruth said...

wow. it took me ages to work out how to leave a comment.

so long in fact that the highly witty (and possibly donut related) comment I was going to leave has now found it's keys let itself out of my brain and gone for a kebab. (apparently donuts are not available at this time of night.)

here endeth the drivel.
(thanks be to God)

Craig said...

Willkommen im Blog.