Wednesday, March 25, 2009

God, I love Stewart Lee. I will refuse to accept that there is a better comedian on the planet today. There may be funnier comedians, measured by a crude laughs-elicited-per-half-hour metric, but no-one crafts jokes like Lee. No-one has the same gift for language, for hypnotic delivery, and no-one is as relentless as he is in picking a target and demolishing it. His new show is on iPlayer now, and on Mondays at 10pm on BBC2 for the next four weeks.

On another note, the BBC had a piece today about why RPI inflation had fallen to zero, but CPI inflation had surprisingly risen. Both measure the cost of living and the change in prices for a "basket" of goods. However, the composition of the RPI basket includes housing cost, including mortgage repayments, which have obviously shrunk in recent months as interest rates have plummeted. The thing that amused me was the top three reasons for rising prices in the CPI:

1. Falling exchange rates making imported food and other products more expensive.

2. Shops reverting back prices prior to VAT rate decrease last December.

3. Poor harvest in Spain leading to increase in cucumber and courgette prices.

Wait, did we shift to a salad vegetable based economy whilst I wasn't looking? Are there people struggling with energy bills this month because their courgette expenses have rocketed? Maybe I'll just have a zucchini instead. But wait - it's the SAME THING! There's no way out!

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