Saturday, March 20, 2004

God damn, its been a while since a post. Will be less crap in future.

Not, of course, like I have much to talk about, unless anyone really cares about what's happening in my life. So, here's the rundown:

1. Have been at work at Next warehouse all week. Not interesting.
2. Drove down to Cardiff on Thursday night. Uneventful.
3. Arrived in Cardiff and saw Cath. Fucking great. There was no colon missed from that previous sentence, because that's not what I talk about here.

It's great being here at the moment, as we have the house to ourselves. I'm dying for the phone to ring and ask for Mr. Harding, because I think it is my right, nay, my responisbility to pretend to be him. Cath, of course, disagrees. I promised not to buy anything for him in his absence.

Plan for the rest of the day: going to watch 21 Grams, which I am immensely stoked about. There will be a review later. Also have the Rey vs. Eddie match of Smackdown to watch, so this evening I will BRING DA CONTENT~! with opinions on this.

Speak soon,


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