Monday, May 31, 2004

No update in a while as I desperately search for interesting things to talk about. I'm gonna work backwards.

Last night we watched Swordfish, which is, you know, a bad movie that I enjoyed a load. John Travolta is YO DADDY. I want to be a guy who can say "do this, and I'll give you 10 million dollars" without a.)wondering what this will do to my student overdraft or b.) putting my little finger to the corner of my mouth. The 180 degree pan on the explosion is an unbelieveably beautiful effect, and beats anything the Wackowski Brothers have in their arsenal. Apart from that, its very unrealistic, especially the computer bits. That being said, whats the alternative?

Stan: OK, let's try typing this and...oh, no, no, no, don't do that. Delete, escape, ESCAPE. Right, I won't do that again, now where is the manual?

This was taken from a morning conversation with Paul:

There is no Craig, only I, the Automessage. I demand that you love me says:
Paul says:
gooood morning
There is no Craig, only I, the Automessage. I demand that you love me says:
enjoy the fil-um
Paul says:
Paul says:
There is no Craig, only I, the Automessage. I demand that you love me says:
i never realised computers were so easy
There is no Craig, only I, the Automessage. I demand that you love me says:
tappy tapy tappy back door, loophole, slip in unnoticed, hacking into the pentagon, click on yes, pretty graphics and VERIFIED
Paul says:
There is no Craig, only I, the Automessage. I demand that you love me says:
u know, computers
Paul says:
Paul says:
you make no sense
There is no Craig, only I, the Automessage. I demand that you love me says:
i do
Paul says:
bbiab - shower
There is no Craig, only I, the Automessage. I demand that you love me says:
Paul says:
Paul says:
Paul says:
the film
Paul says:
i see

He's a pillock.

I should have been in the Economics Library, like, NINE HOURS AGO. I'll finish this later. Come back then for tales of croquet victory, birthday celebrations and dancing crotches.

Speak soon,


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