Thursday, May 06, 2004

Paul is Quagmire. Not Stewie. I can't think of someone that really fits John, so Stewie is a decent first approximation. He also has an element of Tom Tucker. If Dave come's out as Stewie then I'll laugh. He's somewhere between Brian and Mayor Adam West.

This is a great story that reminds me that while I love economics, I will never forget how down right thick so much of it is:

We were discussing the demand for labour, and how it presents a problem because people are paid according to their output or product. In theory, the most productive people are paid more. The problem is that in many areas of work, measuring productivity is very difficult. One example is in health care: how do you measure how productive a doctor? Number of lives saved? One study based on, and I quote, "number of discharges per period", attempted to rate the productivity of hospitals. The results showed a range of hospital performance, but the reseachers found that one hospital was twice as productive as the next closest, and were puzzled as to why.

They never realised that is was, in fact, a maternity hospital. For everyone patient in, at least two were discharged.

Remembering this also reminded me that the guy who sat next to me kept chuckling during the lecture, at moments that weren't funny. Not that the lecturer isn't a funny guy: he is. He just laughed at perfectly ordinary statements. I wanted to rip off his lips.

Speak soon,


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