Tuesday, May 11, 2004

OK, let's see if I remember how I do this...

I apologise. I've been busy and away and doing stuff with my life. I'd call it a hiatus, but 1.) I'm not sure if I've spelt it right, and 2.) I don't know what that word means. Oh yeah, I'm back.

A chronology of events:

I went home Friday. I didn't really do much, except watch Friends (funny this week) and Will and Grace (still great). Then I watched Derron Brown, and he still amazes me. The invisible bit was obscene and I'm sure it was legit. Defintely one of his greatest.

Saturday was a day of golf and beer. It was an open quote played close quote sort of round. Then we went out for Ad's birthday (43 today!) and a good time was had by all. None of the following things happened: Scott said "sham-o moth-er-fucker, check my bad self" over and over until words, life, the universe and everything lost all meaning; I kissed Ad; Some jerk-off thought that staring at the back of Pete in the most pathetic attempt at menacing was a.) hard b.) cool and c.) likely to end well for him; Ad kissed me, and Cath was hungover and spent the entire journey home playing statues. All lies. No truth whatsoever. Word.

Croquet was a lot of fun on Sunday. All four of us played really well, and the result really could have gone each way. Fat dude called Rufus made me think of more interesting and surgical ways to use my mallet.

I'm buying death metal albums on Ebay. I'm off to check if one has arrived.

There you have it.


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