Friday, August 20, 2004


This entry took a while because of distractions.

Somedays its so muggy that you really can't wait for the rain the clear the air. This happened about half ten today. The rain came, and it was good. Unfortunately, we were at Alton Towers, in a queue, and from then until half three, it didn't stop. Not so good. The cold and the wet are a poor combinations, like . This causes two problems. The first is the constant awareness of nipples. It is good to know they are still there, but I do not need to be walking around with my brain going "NIPPLES! YOU HAVE NIPPLES! THEY ARE DEADLY AT CLOSE RANGE!".

The second problem is when you go to the toilet, and it takes a second or two to find it.

So all in all, if the tickets hadn't been free, I may ha... that last sentence reads badly. I of course meant to find the actual toilet. Because of the rain obscuring vision. And not, you know, any trouble finding the equipment neccesary for the task. Which, naturally, was easy enough and is well signposted.

Went to see King Arthur. Thought it was OK. Some things I thought were good, mainly the sub plots, such as the Saxon guy cum Scandinavian death metal lead singer who was second in command but was really, really scared of dying. I like the battles because instead of just being about the fighting, there was part of the story going on, like Lancelot protecting Guinivere because he loves her, and dying heroically because of it. The close up one on ones were cool. I can't decide if I liked the battles more than LOTR. Maybe I do. Anyway, the film is pretty much rich pickings for a parody... so here's one right here. Best bit:

ARTHUR: Oh my God, I thought the Spanish Inquisition wasn’t gonna be for another thousand years.
FREAKY MONK: Nobody ever expects the Spanish Inquisition

(Totally copyrighted by Cleolinda, who rules the frickin' earth.)

Bourne Supremacy tonight and the Village on Tuesday. Awesome.

Speak soon,


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