Tuesday, November 09, 2004


When I read when I was younger, I used to encounter words that I had never seen before. So, I would mark the page with a finger and keep on reading. Sometimes I would read for an hour, and maybe have four or five or seven fingers stuck into previously read pages. Sometimes I would read for even longer, and I would have to stick bits of card, Lego, food, other books or my brother in to bookmark all the unknown words. Then, I would go downstairs and ask my mother what all the words meant. She would generally know the answer, but to this day I don't understand a "standing ovation" doesn't mean "producing an egg in an upright position".

Anyway, I don't do that anymore. I just bypass things and make up what sounds roughly like a defintion. It strikes me that this might one day get my in a bit of trouble. So, I ask you, my fantastic readership, to tell me words. Words that are long and great. Words that you can say and stroke your beard afterwards, safe in the knowledge that you are an Intellectuer. I need you, my friends. Come now, and make me verbose.

I will check on your progress when I get back from my self-flagellation lectures.


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