Monday, April 04, 2005


Early morning as I've dropped Cath off at the train station for her final two weeks in France. Decided not to go back to bed because sleep is for the week and I

Well, its half ten now, as it appears I rested my eyes. I must have ended up with my nose on the F key because the entire page was full of F's when I stopped resting my eyes. I deleted each one individually, and then I realised I could have just selected them all and deleted them as one. So I spent another half an hour filling the page with F's, and did so. Then my computer crashed, losing all my work, and so this posted, and remains lost in the Internet. If you find it, could I have it back please.

My plan for the day involves Wrestlemania, which was last night, and I didn't stay up for the first time in 25 years. If Eddie-Rey goes 15-20 mins, if they lucha it up, and if there's a finish, it'll steal the show. Given that its going to open the card, this is a double edged sword. On the plus side, it will go with Bret-Owen and Midnights-Southern Boys as the greatest US opener of all time. By comparison, everything else won't be as good, and that's three and a half hours of not being so good, so thats not so good. If the crowd stay with it then it'll be OK. Otherwise, they are screwed.

And I'm going to continue to talk wrestling while I'm here. Go away if you don't care. I've been watching a load of classic US from the very early 1980s recently, from the Mid South territory. It is quite excellent, especially the tag team wrestling which is such a dead art. The Fantastics are the great lost fan favourite team, and the crowds are just manic for them. I love it all.

Speak soon,


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