Friday, June 10, 2005


It's a very odd feeling, when you can't force yourself out of bed, no matter what. I couldn't even make myself get up to watch TV or anything. I am bereft of purpose. I am also bereft of porpoise. If anyone finds it, would you post it to me. Ta.

So, after a month and a half of neglect, both this and the Project will be restarting usual service. Expect the following: insights, commentary, wit, satire, life-affirming stories of human endeavour, and poorly illustrated drawings of aqautic mammals. Not neccesarily in that order, or even here.

Been working on a script for the freshers next year, about living at St. Anne's. I am not what could be called a "person who likes anyone elses ideas all that much really". I just find it easier when everyone, you know, nods and agrees with me. I don't see as that is too much to ask. Anyway, its coming along nicely, though we need to write in some more before we start filming. Most of it will probably be filmed in minus oneth week, which is an interesting idea because I don't know if I'll be here. I could, in fact, be entering the last ten days of being a student. I'm not ready to give it up yet. There is...more... that I want to do.

The OFS shows next week will be great. We're even going to try a slightly different format for the second set, of which you'll just have to come along and watch to find out about. Yes indeed. Its going to be a challenge, but in a good way. Rehearsal last night was excellent, I was just so glad to get back into it. And I won't be at all happy if I have to stop this year.

Speak soon,


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