Thursday, July 10, 2008

I went to see James Sherwood tonight, a comedian and musician, whose show, 'Songs of Music' is being taken to Edinburgh. Rachel and I thought he was excellent - he is utterly charming and likeable, and witty beyond belief - wit in stand-up comedy, a mostly scripted artform, being particularly hard to convey sometimes. But it was the little things that made him engaging. The eyes, the faces, the pauses, all adding a little bit of extra joy to the hour. On a number of occassions he smiled at one of his own lyrics, with a face that said, "how clever am I for thinking of that?". I love that, especially as he let the song peter out, without a punch line. And then when he repeated the lyric later, when something else got a muted response. Plus, some of his puns, wrying dropped throughout, were epic.

Definitely an Imps-friendly show. He is everything we love. And by we I mean the template personality we force all members to adopt. And by we I mean the people who should love James Sherwood.

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