Wednesday, July 09, 2008

I'm going to Gosport tomorrow, which I gather from information is a town near Portsmouth. And, and, and the reason I am going is because I've been asked to attend a meeting with a client. Can't say who, because it's probably top secret. But that's exciting. I'm sure there's an element of "awww, let's give Craig a treat", because it me, a Senior Consultant and a Managing Director, so I can't imagine I'll be taking the meeting or anything. But it is a Thing.

Apparently, the company I work for has a program that picks up any mention of its name anywhere on the Internet, so they know where their work is being mentioned in the public domain. I mentioned the name once, on here, and that's how I know. I'm trying to avoid saying the name today, just to save the guys in Business Development some time.

Do it Craig. Do it.


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