Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I woke up at half six this morning with the most excruciating cramp in my calf muscle. For a second, I was convinced that my left leg was attempting to break my left leg. It still hurts now - I think the contraction was severe enough to actually damage the muscle. Plus, when I got out of bed this morning, it completely buckled under the weight. Not the best thing for my ego.

According to Wikipedia, cramps are caused by one of six things, and none of them fit. Possibly low temperature - I woke up on top of the covers - but I don't really think even that would be extreme enough to causing cramping. Also, says the Wiki entry, cramp is sometimes referred to as a 'charley horse', which has an interesting (if speculative) etymology, though sadly not one that will stop me hobbling around the office today.

Things for you to do today: 1) read this (me) . 2) watch this (Colbert). 3) leave comments (below)

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