Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Of all the glorious news to wake up to, the demise (sadly only from political life) of Ruth Kelly is the number one and best.


Dave said...

She surely can't be your least favourite cabinet member? I realise she's a tremendous goon, but come on... Balls? Milliband? T'other Milliband? Harperson?

Dave said...

Oh gods, T'other Milliband is on Newsnight. And now Blears!

There's never a terrorist attack when you need one...

Craig said...

She was. I don't dislike Ed Balls, and while I find the Milliband's smug, I don't find them to be religious nutters who has frequently been given a policy briefs that directly contradict her own personal views. There is no place in a secular British public life for someone with such deeply held Christian convictions.

And don't say Harperson. Have Your Say commenters say Harperson. I'd happily throw Blears under a pack of bison, though.

PS I like women. I do.