She surely can't be your least favourite cabinet member? I realise she's a tremendous goon, but come on... Balls? Milliband? T'other Milliband? Harperson?
She was. I don't dislike Ed Balls, and while I find the Milliband's smug, I don't find them to be religious nutters who has frequently been given a policy briefs that directly contradict her own personal views. There is no place in a secular British public life for someone with such deeply held Christian convictions.
And don't say Harperson. Have Your Say commenters say Harperson. I'd happily throw Blears under a pack of bison, though.
She surely can't be your least favourite cabinet member? I realise she's a tremendous goon, but come on... Balls? Milliband? T'other Milliband? Harperson?
Oh gods, T'other Milliband is on Newsnight. And now Blears!
There's never a terrorist attack when you need one...
She was. I don't dislike Ed Balls, and while I find the Milliband's smug, I don't find them to be religious nutters who has frequently been given a policy briefs that directly contradict her own personal views. There is no place in a secular British public life for someone with such deeply held Christian convictions.
And don't say Harperson. Have Your Say commenters say Harperson. I'd happily throw Blears under a pack of bison, though.
PS I like women. I do.
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