Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Oh My God its here its here its finally here.

Please, join me tonight from 11.30pm on this blog, for the Election That Changed The World. I sound snide, but I could not be more excited.

Do: leave comments. Do: send texts.

Plans for tomorrow: get new obsession.

Some time passes.

Election log starts here:

11.45pm - BBC is on. It is on. All this talk is tedious. Gimme some results.

11.53pm - The first interesting states are Indiana, Virginia and Georgia. They aren't mentioning Georgia much, because pollsters have McCain winning. But I think pollsters may have dramatically underestimated black vote - in early voting they represent 35% (relative to 25% assumption in most polls). Black vote is about 95% Obama. I've seen the maths on 411, and I believe it.

12.01am - Vermont to Obama, Kentucky to McCain. Dog bites man.

12.09am - Me, I would have expected South Carolina to be called for McCain already.

12.31am - Polls close in Ohio, West Virginia and North Carolina. And...no things. Even in West Virginia? Oh, no, wait. Fox has called it. Does that count? I love these election shows. Dimbleby is all: "you, person, break down this situation/non-situation for me".

12.40am - Tom tells me that South Carolina won't be close (and he's worked on actual races there). I agree, but am also filled with irrational exuberance.

12.42am - I don't think Christopher Hitchens likes Palin. He raises a good point though - what would have happened with a McCain/Lieberman ticket?

12.56am - South Carolina is called for McCain. Irrational exuberance is quashed. 16-3. It's a landslide.

1.00am - Pennsylvania goes to Obama the second the polls close. And New Hampshire. Those were two that McCain had hoped to win. This could be over quite quickly.

1.05am - There's loads more as well in New England, Maine, Delaware, and DC. Also projected to take Mexico. McCain takes Oklahoma and Tennessee. Also projected to take something for the pain. 103-34. It's a landslide.

1.44am - Georgia seems to be going to McCain. Damn you, overly complicated mathematical predictions. DAMN YOU.

2.00am - More polls close. New Mexico and Colorado are the key ones here. It's about time Obama turns one of the Bush states.

2.07am - David Dimbleby agrees with me.

2.10am - Arizona is too close to call. That has to hurt.

2.23am - John Boulton and Kate the Reporter go at it! I'm with her - polling seems to suggest that she has energised Democrats more than Republicans, and has certainly turned off the independents McCain needed to win this year.

2.25am - Ohio called for Obama. Election called for Obama. Andy texts to say "Oh! Hi! O! Ohiobama!". We pause to discuss Hillary Clinton looking as "sick as a dog" at her polling station. I suggest she voted for Hillary Clinton. Andy says she scrawled it on the screen with a stanley knife. I suggest she uses the blood of a passing orphan. Andy speculates she robs the men of America of their erections on the way out. Hillary 2012.

2.37am - New Mexico looks like it's going for Obama. It's a landslide.

2.38am - Technical definition of a landslide - over 55% of the vote. It's a landslide in Maine.

2.51am - COME ON. No sleep until 270.

3.02am - Iowa flips for Obama. He'll be president by 4am.

3.08am - Apparently, a couple of extreme pro-life propositions are defeated in South Dakota and Colorado. Abortion wins.

3.15am - I'm watching John Boulton get offended that a British journalist dare ask probing question to a the Colorado Republican chair, and I hoping that someone projects that Obama takes John Boulton.

3.33am - Marijuana decriminalised in Massachusetts, and approved for medical purposes in Michigan. Anarchy wins.

3.43am - Dimbleby makes a mistake that I also made this week - he says California has always gone Democrat. I think I'm right in saying that's only been true since 1992. Corrections welcome.

3.59am - Here we go...

4.01am - ...oh, I missed it.

4.03am - I'm done. Quick poll of people that enjoyed watching the election coverage in this room: 1-0. It's a landslide.


Unknown said...


Craig said...

What? Do you think there's a Daily Show video I haven't seen?

I like Wyatt.

John Hope said...

I'm watching

Unknown said...

Me too. Why aren't you on msn?

Craig said...

It's on.

Unknown said...

1.39am CNN calls PA for Obama

Craig said...

Where were you 39 minutes ago? Craig called it at 1am.

Unknown said...

CNN like to wait until they have some numbers they can trust (i.e. actual count results) before they call it. When you call it based on the exit polls, you end up projecting that Al Gore has won the election. Which would be clearly ridiculous, he's not even running this year.

Anonymous said...
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Craig said...

Craig calls it based on his instincts. They are good instincts. You know how I know? My instincts tell me that they are.

Unknown said...

If we were calling it based on our instincts, I could have called it two weeks ago and actually got some work done. Win some lose some.