Monday, July 06, 2009

I've been learning the play the guitar for a while now, and as my musical tastes and the acoustic guitar are not quite the happy bed fellows you at first might imagine, I like trying to find songs I enjoy and would listen to that could be played unplugged. Youtube is your friend in this situation, as there is no end of people posting their cover versions of pretty much anything. Anyway, I've recently been trying to find versions of Bad Religion songs, having seen a couple of tracks Greg Gaffin himself has done acoustically (Sorrow, already discussed, and God Song, both of which I can kind of sort of nearly play a passable version of).

There's some nice covers out there, but I just found quite a few performed by one girl (whose name is Emily, we're very close), and some of them are really great. This is not just because she has a strong voice and plays well, but because, if you know the originals (find the originals, know them, love them), you'll see they're not just carbon copies played on an acoustic guitar.

Anyway, have a listen - I recommend Faith Alone, Walk Away and You. I'll be stealing them soon. You should all be aware that I only try to sing along when I'm sure most of East Oxford is out.

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