Thursday, November 18, 2004


So I finally manage to get out to a rock night for the first time in a month, at Ox Rock Soc's Disorder club night. We got there for the headline act, a Cardiff based hardcore band called Shaped by Fate, who were really, really fucking heavy. The lead singer was up in the front row's faces screaming, like, "Fuck gerbils, I really hope this kettle boils". Or something, you know? Actually, I'm just shamelessly ripping off that guys bit where he made up, entirely, what the songs were about: "This is a song about Stella Artois" "This song is about being in a metal band, aw fuck it, its about being kicked in the balls". And, most beautifully, "This song is about umpa-lumpas. You know, those little orange bastards. Someone thought I was one, once. Anyway, this song is about being sexually abused by umpa-lumpas and Mr Willy Wonka himself".

It was funny watching some of the people on the front row. It was kind of like when I wasp is flying in your face and you can hear your parent's voice telling you not to flinch. There was a grimace, a tensing of the shoulders, and the briefest, tiniest suggestion that being a long, long way away at this point would be a good, good thing. If it had been me, I would have, you know, messed up his hair or something, but then I am true metal.

The club itself was good, if populated like most small Welsh villages. The DJ played loads of stuff that I like - Megadeth, Metallica, Rage, Rammstein, SOAD, they even dragged a Papa Roach song out that really worked. Quick tip for the DJ: people there were real rock fans. Going from Killing in the Name Of to Without Me by Eminem may work at Sabotage, but not so much last night. See that dancefloor emptying in front of you? You did that. You did it. T'other Craig, don't worry. I made it home. I met some people. They all seem nice.

I replied to an email from the RockSoc president saying I would be happy to act as college rep for the society. Here's what I am hear to tell you: Join Rocksoc. Listen to metal. Wear spiky bits.

Started playing Assassin Last Man Standing Game yesterday. So far, I'm still alive. I have killed no-one. More news as it happens, in the order that it happens.

Speak soon,


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