Sunday, April 17, 2005


Quick post, because, let's be honest hear, it's late of time. I have been with John for a couple of days. We had a good time and he asked me if I'd like a bath. I said no, so he carried on alone. Oh, the opportunities wasted. He did get to learn first hand how much of an ingratiating son of a bitch I truly am, and joins Cath in this knowledge. I learnt how much of a miserable get (intentional, before anyone says anything) he is around his family.

Cath is on her way back. I await her landing with some reservation because she is coming by car. A landing at this point would be highly irregular. Nethertheless, is a word. She will be back in Cardiff by tomorrow night. I will there before, having dinner on her mother (as opposed to the table) and ingratiating myself as only I know how. With a knife and fork.

Speak soon,


1 comment:

Shani said...

If I'm not allowed to comment on the 'get', can I at least comment on the 'let's be honest hear'?
